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Problems with in-app purchases? See our page on troubleshooting in-app purchase problems.
Q: How can I use my Lightning iTestMic2 with the new iPhones or iPads with USB C?
A: Apple now has a $29 Lightning to USBC adapter that works great! See their Application note here.
Q: I plugged my USB interface into iPad but I have no signal. What’s wrong?
A: Assuming that you have your interface gain turned up and phantom power on, go to the microphone settings page, and put a number in the trim field that gives you a reasonable SPL reading. L might be like -35, R might be +112 for example.
Q: FFT/RTA just froze, seems like the mic is not working?
A: Do you have sound recognition turned on? Seems that Apple has a bug with this. It’s in your device Settings->Accessibility->Sound Recognition
Q: How can I find the app to install on the Mac?
A: Open the Mac App Store, set the selector to “iPhone & iPad Apps”, and type “AudioTools” in the search bar. You have to be running a Mac with an M1, M2, or M3 or later chip.
Q: I’m running AudioTools on Mac, how do I zoom the plots?
A: On Mac, open the app Settings from the menu, select Touch Alternatives, and turn it on. Then hold down Option to use the Trackpad as a virtual touch screen. Drag two fingers to scroll the screen. With this turned on you can also use spacebar to double-tap
Q: On a Mac, how do I select the input source? I plugged in iTestMic2 but its not found.
A: On Mac you have to select the input source using the Mac Settings app, on the Sound page. iTestMic2 has a strange name, “ZeroBandwidth” in Settings. Note that the calibration is not automatically loaded on Mac.
Q: Using iTestMic2 or iPrecisionMic on a Mac, how do I set the calibration?
A: You can compute the trim value to use in AudioTools as follows:
This will get you with 0.5dB of the calibrated level.
Q: I downloaded the app, but its not on the screen Where is it?
A: iOS 15 has a habit of hiding apps after downloading. See this tip
Q: How can I reset my Studio Six Digital account password?
A: Follow these steps:
You will then get an email that leads you to the password reset page.
Q: My iPad won’t run iOS 12, can I get an older copy of the app from you?
A: You can get it from the App Store. Check out this link on installing the last compatible iOS app
Q: Is it OK to update to the iOS 18.x?
A: We are still evaluation operation on iOS 18, the app basically runs but has not been fully tested.
Q: My in-app purchases are gone! Now what?
A: Short answer, tap any one that is locked and select Restore Purchases. For lots more information, check our in-app purchase troubleshooting page.
Q: Can’t Find In-App Purchases?
A: Here’s a checklist. For in-app purchases to work, all of these must be true:
Q: My 30-pin adapter and iTestMic are no longer working since I updated to iOS 16. What can I do?
A: Sadly, Apple has removed all support for 30-pin accessories as of iOS 16.
Q: Dropbox does not seem to be working.
A: Dropbox has cancelled support for our method of saving files. Please use the internal iOS device storage, or iCloud.
Q: I can play one of the download files, but I can’t download it. How do I do that.
A: It depends on your browser.
Q: I can’t get iAudioInterface2 to connect to my computer. How do I do that?
A: See our USB Audio page for full instructions.
Q: I’m using a new Apple ID, how can I move my app purchases over to it?
A: Apple still has no method to transfer purchases between Apple ID accounts. This is for all purchases including apps.
Only apple has access to purchase information and account data.
I have the same situation here. I use my old Apple ID for iTunes store access, you can set this up under your Apple ID in settings, look for Media and Purchases. Here you can add a second ID.
Otherwise, on your new device you can log in to your old ID, download your purchases, and then log back into your new ID.
Q: When I plug in iTestMic, the audio output stops working.
A: Plug in iTestMic first, then plug in the 1/8″ (3.5mm) plug to the iOS device. Apple uses the last device connected for audio, so if you plug in the iTestMic after plugging in the analog connector the output will be routed to iTestMic, rather than the iOS device connector.
Q: The Generator won’t turn on in Transfer Function. Or RTA, sometimes.
A: New behavior, the generator output is only on when the function is running. So tap the play button to start the function running and if the generator is switched on, it will play.
Q: Why can’t a I use a bluetooth speaker for my output signal playback?
A: Now you can! Starting with AudioTools 10.5, Bluetooth devices and Apple AirPlay are supported. See our new Bluetooth and AirPlay page for more information.
Q: The screen looks really dark (or too light!) How do I change it?
A: Go to Settings->General in the app, and turn on High Contrast Mode for the bright white screens, or turn it off for the dark theme.
Q: I upgraded to iOS 99, now I have no audio!
A: If you have no audio input, probably the microphone permission needs to be set: Settings->Privacy->Microphone on for AudioTools. Settings app, not AudioTools.
Q: I can’t download saved data files, what’s wrong?
A: The most common problems are not leaving the Export window open, not having both devices on the same WiFi router, or having a firewall in the router blocking port 9900. Also, we suggest using iCloud for accessing files on other devices.
Q: How do I get rid of the red bar or microphone icon on top of the screen when I exit the app?
A: The red bar indicates that AudioTools is still running in the background. To stop AudioTools from running the background, return to AudioTools, and either stop the running task, or exit back to the menus.
Q: Will AudioTools run on iPad and iPad Mini?
A: Yes, see here for the details.
Q: I bought AudioTools on my iPhone, do I have to pay for it again to get it on my iPad?
A: No, as long as you are logged into the same iTunes store account, Apple allows you to install apps you have bought on other devices without charging you again.
See our “Troubleshooting in-app purchase and standalone app issues” page.
Q: Something is messed up with this app — what do I do?
A: Here are Apple’s general FAQ concerning problems with apps.
Q: Who should buy AudioTools, rather than your individual apps?
A: First, anyone who may be purchasing iAudioInterface. Apple only allows a single app to communicate with an accessory, and this is the app that matches up to iAudioInterface. Second, anyone who has not started downloading our other apps. There are more features available in this app, including more comprehensive calibration, data file export, and of course the convenience of having multiple functions in one app.
Q: I need to re-install AudioTools. Do I have to pay for it again?
A: No. Apple knows what you have bought and will not charge you again, as long as you are logged into the same iTunes account that you used to buy the app the first time.
Q: I already downloaded some of your standalone apps, how can I get these apps in AudioTools without buying them all again?
A: Apple does not give developers a way to provide an upgrade path from one app to another. You have three options here:
1) If you plan on purchasing iAudioInterface, we will be providing a discount based on some of the existing apps that you have already downloaded and paid for. See our AudioTools Upgrade Program page for more information.
2) If you are not planning to buy iAudioInterface, stay with the individual apps. The functionality is very similar.
3) For a few standalone apps, after running them they will also be available in AudioTools. This includes SPL Graph, SPL Pro, FFT, STIPA, and Smaart Spectrum RTA.
Q: How can I find out what version of AudioTools I am running?
A: In AudioTools, go to the Settings menu, General page — look on the bottom of the page.
Q: How do I get the new AudioTools upgrades?
A: Two ways. If your device (iPhone, etc) is on a WiFi network, just open your App Store app, tap Updates on the bottom of the screen, find the new AudioTools row, tap on it, and tap on the Upgrade button.
Or, from your computer, open iTunes, click on the “Apps” icon on the left side of the screen, under Library, and then follow the link on the bottom of the screen for “nn Updates available”, and find the icon for AudioTools and tap Upgrade, or tap Upgrade all if you want all upgrades.
We recommend turning on Automatic Updates in your Settings app on your device.
Q: My iPhone is jailbroken, and I am getting an error message when I try to purchase any of the modules. Is there a workaround?
A: Although we don’t support this directly, it appears to be a problem with something called Appsync. This has worked for some people on the modmyi forum:
Or, see this link for another method.
Q: Why are the SPL readings different on different modules? How does that work:
A: See our “dB vs. dB” page to understand what the SPL numbers mean, and why they might be different on different modules.
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